Royal Thai Embassy participated in the Magical ManSuang in Jakarta at Kasablanca Hall, Kota Kasablanca Mall on 11 November 2023

On 11 November 2023, Ambassador Prapan Disyatat and Madame Rutchanee Uerpairojkit attended “Magical ManSuang in Jakarta” organised by Lumina Entertainment, Be On Cloud, and Live Nation Thailand. The event is aimed at promoting the film “ManSuang” and four leading actors namely, Mile Phakphum, Apo Nattawin, Tong Thanayut, and Bas Asavapatr. On this occasion, Ambassador delivered an opening remark affirming the significance of the event in supporting the Royal Thai Government’s policy of promoting Thai culture
in 5 aspects, namely, film, food, fashion, festival, and fighting (Muay Thai) and admiring the movie for its modern and digestible portrayal of Thai culture such as Thai traditional costumes and performances. The Magical ManSuang in Jakarta was a successful event attended by approximately 1,200 Indonesian fans.

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